" Berjuta Orang Melihat Buah Epal Jatuh... tapi..."NEWTON" melihat....MENGAPA ia JATUH??... berfikirlah... "



Challengerclub 2009

January 30, 2009

Some Of The Measuring Devices

Measuring Weeks Quizzes

Prepared By : Husna , Hilmi , Zafirah and Zatii


1. Ilmu lebih baik daripada harta kerana ilmu adalah pusaka nabi-nabi, manakala harta adalah pusaka Qarun dan Firaun.

2.Ilmu lebih baik daripada harta kerana ilmu memelihara kamu, tetapi kamu pula yang memelihara harta.

3.Ilmu lebih baik daripada harta kerana orang yang berilmu ramai taulannya dan sebaliknya orang yang berharta ramai seterunya.

4.Ilmu lebih baik daripada harta kerana ilmu apabila dinafkahkan akan bertambah, tetapi harta pula apabila dinafkahkan akan berkurangan.

5.Ilmu lebih baik daripada harta kerana orang yang berilmu diseru dengan nama yang mulia, manakala orang yang berharta diseru dengan nama bakhil.

6.Ilmu lebih baik daripada harta kerana ilmu tidak perlu dipelihara daripada pencuri, tetapi harta perlu dipelihara daripada pencuri.

7.Ilmu lebih baik daripada harta kerana orang yang berilmu akan diberi syafaat diakhirat nanti, manakala orang yang berharta akan dihisab hartanya.

8.Ilmu lebih baik daripada harta kerana ilmu tidak akan binasa, manakala harta pula akan binasa.

9.Ilmu lebih baik daripada harta kerana ilmu itu melembutkan hati dan harta pula mengeraskan hati.

10.Ilmu lebih baik daripada harta kerana yang berilmu mendakwa kehambaan dan yang berharta mendakwa ketuhanan.

January 28, 2009

Hard Working Faces Of The Day

activities on the 28th january 2009

What we've done today?

* Making quizzes with theme 'MEASURING WEEK'

*Decorating maths corner in the library

January 27, 2009

Simple Delicious Recipe






January 26, 2009

Simple Delicious Recipe


Ingredients :
1/3 cup of warm water
2 tablespoons of MILO
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of coffee
1/3 cup of liquid milk
1 cup of ice cubes

( can you change that cup and tablespoon measurements into metric system... use ml / litre / mg / gramme instead ? ) ... we'll see check that out during our cooking activity :)

Method :
1. Dissolve coffee , MILO and sugar into water ; add milk
2. Pour all ingredients ( except ice cubes ) into blender
3. Blend until smooth
4. Drop ice cubes through the opening in the lid while motor is running

January 24, 2009

History Of Irrational Numbers

History of Irrational Numbers

Apparently Hippasus (one of Pythagoras' students) discovered irrational numbers when trying to represent the square root of 2 as a fraction (using geometry, it is thought). Instead he proved you couldn't write the square root of 2 as a fraction and it was was irrational.

However Pythagoras could not accept the existence of irrational numbers, because he believed that all numbers had perfect values. But he could not disprove Hippasus' "irrational numbers" and so Hippasus was thrown overboard and drowned!

Posted By : Zawanah

Activities on the 24th January 2009

What we've done today:

  • Learning How To Up-date blog.

  • Up-loading pictures.

  • Discussing what to cook during 'COOKING ACTIVITY'.

  • Collecting quizzes for the upcoming CCA with theme - 'MEASURING WEEK'.

*Wait for our stories and pictures. *Hope we can cook something edible!!!

Posted By : Husna , Zawanah , Aslam

Activities on the 21st January 2009

Group A:
  • Decorated the club's notice board.
  • Used SYMMETRY to make the words.

Group B:

  • Decorated the 'Club's Corner' in our school's library.
  • Used various pictures to form into words.

( ICT activity was postponed because there was NO internet connections in school that morning )

All worked happily and helped each other

Posted by : Zawanah , Husna and Aslam

January 23, 2009


Before you speak.....Listen
Before you write .....Think
Before you spend.....Earn
Before you criticize....Wait
Before you pray....Forgive
Before you quit......Try

Watch your thoughts...they become words...
Watch your words...they become actions...
Watch your actions..they become habits
Watch your habits...they become character...
Watch your character..4 it becomes ur "DESTINY"

January 19, 2009

Maths Jokes Of The Day

Q: How does a mathematician induce good behavior in her children?
A: `I've told you n times, I've told you n+1 times...'


What is Pi?"

A mathematician :"Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter."

A computer programmer:"Pi is 3.141592653589 in double precision."

A physicist : "Pi is 3.14159 plus or minus 0.000005."

An engineer : "Pi is about 22/7."

A nutritionist : "Pie is a healthy and delicious dessert!"

10 Ways How to Survive the Math Blues

1. Figure out the Big Picture:
Find out why you are doing this math. How does it fit with your other courses (science, geography, English, engineering)? You could do some Internet searches on the math you are studying and include "application". Get a sense of where you are going and why you are doing this. Mathematics is compulsory in most of the world - there has to be a reason…

2. Get on top of it before it gets on top of you.
Yep, mathematics is one of those things that builds on prior knowledge. Yet many students learn stuff only for an examination and then promptly forget it, setting themselves up for later difficulties. Learn for the future, not for tomorrow’s test.

3. Read Ahead.
It is strongly advised that you read over next week’s math right now. You won’t understand it all, but you will have a better sense of what is coming up and how it fits with what you are doing this week. Then, when your class goes through it later, your doubts and uncertainties will reduce - and you will understand and remember it better

4. Use more than one resource.
It often happens that you can’t follow the teacher’s explanation and your textbook is very confusing. Borrow 2 or 3 textbooks similar to your own from your library and read what they have to say about the topic. Often they will have a diagram, a picture or an explanation that gives you the "Ahhh - I get it!" that you desire.

5. Don’t join the Blame Game.
Teaching mathematics is tough. Teachers really have to work hard to make math fun, interesting and engaging. It is easy to blame a teacher for a bad grade, but who is really responsible for your future?

6. Practice makes Perfect.
You don’t expect to be able to play guitar or drive a car without practice. Well, learning mathematics (unfortunately) involves some slogging away and doing exercises. Don’t get bogged down, though - use your other resources to help you through the homework.

7. Time Management.

Start homework assignments as soon as you get them. There may be some things on there that you haven’t done in class yet (because maybe it is not due for a few weeks). That’s good - it helps to focus your thoughts so that when you are doing that section in class, you know that it is important and you’ll know what you don’t know. Nobody plans to fail - but many fail to plan…

8. Don’t fall into the trap of copying from a friend to survive.
They probably have the wrong answer anyway. Besides, a lot of students resent being asked for their assignments for copying - they are too afraid of a ruined relationship to say no. Hey, you can do it - have the confidence in your own ability

9. Never, never give up.
Math uses a different part of the brain than most other things in school. It can be stressful when you can’t figure out something. Work on something else for a while and come back to it later

10. Keep a sense of humour!
Don’t lose the ability to laugh at yourself and your own mistakes. Mistakes are not the end of the world - they are the beginning of real learning!

Why do many people feel that Jessica Simpson is beautiful?

Visit this site ... very interesting maths findings....


What has mathematics got to do with beauty? Actually, a lot. Physical attraction depends on ratio.

January 17, 2009


Beautiful SYMMETRY

HAPPY/ WORRIED/COOL FACES of the DAY!!! ... hehehe

Second CCA

Today 17th January , Saturday is our second CCA . All the club's members gather in the reference room , library . Men 4 starts CCA at 8.30am whilst Men 3 starts at 9.00am. The teacher has to wait until all students arrive before starting the activity. While waiting , the teacher discusses with the President of the club regarding the activities which are going to be carried out this year and the club/school expectations out of the students as well. The teacher also reminds the President to chair all meetings starting next CCA periods and delegates work to all members of the club.

Once all the students arrive , the teacher begans to brief and remind all the club's members about each student's duties and responsibilities. The teacher stresses about the teamwork spirit and for all of them to get to know each other. Students are then divided into 2 groups , Group A and Group B. Group A will be led by The President , and Group B will be led by The Vice-President . All members are advised to take turn in updating the club's blog , notice board and the club's corner in the library. Activities such as interactive challenge games , wall painting , cooking , visits are also discussed by the teacher . Group photo is also taken where majority are very enthusiastics to pose and happy-happy hehehe....

January 11, 2009

Registration Day - 10th January 2009

Yesterday , 10th January 2009 , Saturday , between 8.30 am until 10.00 am , all the students were instructed to gather in the Multi-Purpose Hall . The principal , Cikgu Hjh Zaliha Bte Hj Dollah made the first speech , reminding the students about the importance of CCA and the consequences of not having CCA to all the students . Later after principal's intro speech, the students were briefed by the Senior Master CCA , Cikgu Md Yussof Bin Awg Hj Besar . He mentioned and also reminded the students about the rules and regulations that the students MUST to follow with respect to students' CCA . The students were then instructed to go to their respective CCA Clubs room for registration purposes.
Our Club's room ( Challenger Club ) was located in class 5H . Initially , there was a bit confusion for the teacher and the students as well , as that room was not existing anymore ( 5H had been changed to 5G ) . However , all students who intended to register finally were able to locate the teacher in charge with a *SMILE* on their faces hehehehe ..... sweating little bit... :)
There were altogether 11 students registered ( 1 student came very LATE... because of her difficulty in finding the teacher and the room... ) . The teacher gave handouts to all the newly registered members of the club and briefed the students about the activities to be prosecuted this year . Later after the briefing , the teacher appointed duties and responsibilities to all members of the club ( appointing President , Vice-President , Secretaries , Treasurers , and so on ) . The teacher also informed the members of the club that , the planned activities throughout this year could be changed depending on students' interest , and reminded the club's members that this club was FOR THE STUDENTS ... and NOT for the TEACHER(s).
There was 1 more student joining in later ( during breaktime ) , Yumni Laiyinah Bte Tamin